Les Fleurs de Bach Energy Elixir
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Les Fleurs de Bach Energy Elixir


Ingestible elixir that boosts vitality and enthusiasm / 0.67 oz

Energy Elixir was created by our friends at Les Fleurs de Bach, a wonderful little company based in Paris that is devoted to the preparation of the most effective Bach flower essences in the world (read about their exacting methods here). Bach flower essences were originally developed by Edward Bach, a revered British doctor, homeopath, and bacteriologist. Reflecting Dr. Bach’s own medical background, these essences have been designed to help balance... Read More

Best For

Anyone experiencing fatigue — physically or mentally

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Ingestible elixir that boosts vitality and enthusiasm / 0.67 oz

Energy Elixir was created by our friends at Les Fleurs de Bach, a wonderful little company based in Paris that is devoted to the preparation of the most effective Bach flower essences in the world (read about their exacting methods here). Bach flower essences were originally developed by Edward Bach, a revered British doctor, homeopath, and bacteriologist. Reflecting Dr. Bach’s own medical background, these essences have been designed to help balance emotions, thus allowing the body and mind to focus on healing themselves. 

Energy Elixir is ideal for those who feel sluggish, tired, and generally lacking in enthusiasm or motivation. We think of it as just the thing for anyone who's depleted their surge capacity. It’s not like taking one of those jitter-inducing caffeine pills; the box mentions greater “vitality,” which is an apt description. It can give you just the mental push you need when you feel like every day is Monday and you're dragging yourself through the week. Or — if you are a naturally energetic person experiencing an energy dip, like one of our testers — it could actually make you feel like lacing up your sneakers and going for a run. 

Energy Elixir is powered by a blend of certified organic Centaury, Hornbeam, Oak, Olive, and Wild Rose essences mixed with organic brandy.

Available in the US exclusively at Ayla.

How to Use

Dilute 4 drops of the Elixir in a glass of water and drink as often as needed, up to 4 times per day.


Descriptions of each essence in the Energy blend, as written by the team at Les Fleurs de Bach:

Centaury: For those who are too kind, quiet, gentle and anxious to serve and end up being too weak and dominated. Restores self-confidence and the ability to establish balanced relationships.
Hornbeam: For the Monday-morning blues, caused by the burden of routine — too much of the same, not enough new experiences or challenges. Revitalizes, gives the strength to break apathy and try something new.
Oak: If you're exhausted from working too hard for too long and you can't relax before your target is reached. Allows you to admit your own limitations and take a well-deserved break.
Olive: If your energy levels have been drained by stress. Helps restore a state of mental and physical freshness.
Wild Rose: If you lack interest, desire and passion in life. Fills with a spirit of joy and a taste for adventure.

All Ingredients

Organic brandy (99.6%) 40% vol.
Plant extracts 0.4% (1/250) : Centaurée (Centaury / Centaurium erythaea), Charme (Hornbeam / Carpinus betulus), Chêne (Oak / Quercus robur), Eglantine (Wild rose / Rosa canina), Olivier (Olive / Olea europoea)

Organic brandy (99.6%) 40% vol.
Plant extracts 0.4% (1/250) : Centaurée (Centaury / Centauriu...

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